Program for Transparency and integrity
The three-year program is being developed, based on the information which must be received by the Veneto Region.
General Acts
Regional Law no. 63rd, 24 August 1979
"Rules for the Establishment and operation of the Regional Institute for Venetian Villas" L.R. 63/79
Law no. 233, 23rd July 1991
“Funding for the restoration and recovery of the Venetian Villas” L.R. 233/91
Regional Law no. 53, 18th December 1993
“Discipline of supervision and control over regional administrative bodies” L.R. 53/93
Regional Law no. 39, 29th November 2001
“Ordering of Budget and Accounting in the Region” L.R. 39/01
Expense detail for citizens and businesses (art. 34, c. 1,2)